Kevin Hsieh, Ph.D.
Professor of Art Education
Journal Articles
* Yang, M., & Hsieh, K. (accepted for publication on 11/14/2023). Queer eye for Disney: Unveiling LGBTQIA2S+ representations through visual literacy. Art Education, xx(x), xx-xx.
* Shin, R., Gu, M., Hsieh, K., Koo, A., & Lee, O. (2023). Art and visual intervention strategies to resist racism and racial stereotypes. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 40(1), 171-188.
* Hsieh, K., Cooper, Y., & Lai, A. (2023). No more Yellow Perils: Antiracism teaching and learning. Studies in Art Education, 64(2), 150-168.
* Glassmeyer, D., Hsieh, K., & Nguyen, L. (2023). Constructing kites to integrate mathematical and arts concepts. The STEAM Journal, 5(1), 1-15.
* Shin, R., Bae, J., Gu, M., Hsieh, K., Lee, O., and Lim, E. (2022). Asian critical theory and counter-narratives of Asian American art educators in the U.S. higher education. Studies in Art Education, 63(4), 313-329.
* Hsieh, K. & Nikoupour, C. (2022). Inspiration from the Chinese Ming dynasty table: A STEAM PBL lesson on lantern design with balance and unity. Art Education, 75(5), 48-54.
* Hsieh, K. (2022, in press). Visual art professional development for STEM teachers: Perspectives and attitudes toward visual art integration. Ubiquity: The Journal of Literature, Literacy, and the Arts. 7(2). xx-xx.
* Cooper, Y., Hsieh, K., & Lu, L. (2022). Voice for the voiceless: Responding to racial pandemic through art. Art Education, 75(3), 18-23.
* Hsieh, K. & Yang, M. (2021). Deconstructing dichotomies: Lesson on queering the
(mis)representations of LGBTQ+ in pre-service art teacher education. Studies in Art Education, 62(4), 370-392.
* Left, A., Luhr, S., & Hsieh, K. (2021). Chinese seal from the Yuan Dynasty: Collagraph design with recycled materials. Curriculum Resources, 3, 1-15.
* Petty, K. & Hsieh, K. (2021). Examining materials culture through Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-220 A.D.) bronze mirrors. Curriculum Resources, 3, 1-14.
* Yang, M. & Hsieh, K. (2020). Queer up! Application of queer representation in art
education. Visual Arts Research, 46(1), 49-60.
* DeLong, S., & Hsieh, K. (2020). The cultural implications of the Chinese Ming Dynasty: Cloisonne technique and an art project using recycled materials. Curriculum Resources, 2, 1-18.
* Hsieh K., Glassmeyer, D., & Nguyen, L. (2019). The collaborative teaching and learning: High school
STEAM project-based learning and lantern design. The International Journal of Arts Education (IJAE), 17(1), 33-67.
* Hsieh, K. (2016). Pre-service art educators’ attitudes toward addressing LGBTQ issues in their future
classrooms. Studies in Art Education, 57 (2), 120-138.
* Milbrandt, M., Shin, R., Torres, T., & Hsieh, K., (2015). Visual art curricula, art teacher goals, and
Instructional time: Findings from an international survey. International Journal of Education
through Art, 11(1), 137-156.
* Hsieh, K. (2014). A space of spirit and sanctitude: The organic architecture design for the Asian
Museum of Modern Art at the Asia University in Taiwan. Journal of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association (Spring Issue), 10-19.
* Tollefson, K., Pfeiler, A., Hsieh, K., & Henry, C. (2013). Speaking from experience: Advice to junior faculty for navigating the tenure-track. The Journal of Faculty Development, 27(3), 44-48.
* Hsieh, K. (2012). Students’ constructed narratives in after-school art projects. Art Education, 65(6), 45-49.
* Hsieh, K. (2011). Using technology to develop your teaching portfolio: A guide for K-12 art educators.
Advisory (Fall Issue), Reston, VA: National Art Education Association.
* Hsieh, K. (2011). New art education curriculum in Taiwan: Arts and humanities of the grade 1-9
curriculum. Journal of the Chinese-American Academic and Professional Association (Spring Issue), 28-34.
* Hsieh, K. (2010). Professional development in art museum teacher education and participants’
needs: A case study evaluating the VAST (Visual Arts as Resources for Teaching) Program at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Museology Quarterly, 24(1), 35-77.
* Hsieh, K. (2010). Artistic style of Frank Stella (1936~). Journal of Fine Arts, 3, 71-104.
* Hsieh, K. (2009). An exploratory study on the design of summer teacher program: The case study of
art museums in the United States. Humanities and Social Sciences Research, 3(2), 1-26.
* Hsieh, K. (2009). Contextual perspectives and the aesthetics of Guo-Xi’s the Lofty of Ambition of
Forests and Streams. Journal of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, 33, 49-66.
* Hsieh, K. (1997). A Study of the style of art by Frank Stella. In Pingtung Teachers College
Distinguished Student’s Thesis Award. Pingtung City: National Pingtung Teacher College Press, 479-576.